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INI File | 2003-11-24 | 5.1 KB | 193 lines |
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Image type has also "ShowCaption=True" (default if not specified)
- ; or "ShowCaption=False" parameter.
- ;
- ; Panel type has Color optional parameter, it is a color of the border.
- ; Label type has Color optional parameter, it is a color of the font.
- ; If not specified explicitly, default color from Skin section is taken.
- ; Color is a hexadecimal value in RGB format.
- ;
- ; Skin section contains parameters with a global effect. Parameters
- ; ImgCaptionColor, ImgCaptionColorFocused, ImgCaptionHPos and ImgCaptionVPos
- ; can be used also by Image type. If these parameters are not specified in
- ; image type section, gobal parameters from Skin section are used.
- ; ImgCaptionHPos=-1 and ImgCaptionVPos=-1 means that Captions are centered.
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Skin section
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Skin]
- Name=The Blue Dream
- Preview=Preview.gif
- Info=DreamCom SE default skin\nAuthor: DreamTeam\nVersion 1.0
- BackroundBitmap=bground.gif
- ColorBtnFace=E7E7FF
- ColorWindow=FFFFFF
- ColorBorder=000000
- ColorLabelText=000000
- ImgCaptionColor=404040
- ImgCaptionColorFocused=000000
- ImgCaptionHPos=-1
- ImgCaptionVPos=-1
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; fMain section
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [fMain.imgWriteSMS]
- PictureUp=WriteSMS_i.gif
- PictureDown=WriteSMS_a.gif
- PictureFocused=WriteSMS_f.gif
- Left=10
- Top=33
- [fMain.imgQueue]
- PictureUp=Queue_i.gif
- PictureDown=Queue_a.gif
- PictureFocused=Queue_f.gif
- Left=107
- Top=33
- [fMain.imgHistory]
- PictureUp=History_i.gif
- PictureDown=History_a.gif
- PictureFocused=History_f.gif
- Left=203
- Top=33
- [fMain.imgContacts]
- PictureUp=Contacts_i.gif
- PictureDown=Contacts_a.gif
- PictureFocused=Contacts_f.gif
- Left=300
- Top=33
- [fMain.imgClose]
- PictureUp=Close_i.gif
- PictureDown=
- PictureFocused=Close_f.gif
- Left=377
- Top=4
- [fMain.imgMenu]
- PictureUp=Menu_i.gif
- PictureDown=
- PictureFocused=Menu_f.gif
- Left=4
- Top=4
- [fMain.imgMinimize]
- PictureUp=Minimize_i.gif
- PictureDown=
- PictureFocused=Minimize_f.gif
- Left=356
- Top=4
- [fMain.imgTray]
- PictureUp=TrayMin_i.gif
- PictureDown=
- PictureFocused=TrayMin_f.gif
- Left=335
- Top=4
- [fMain.imgEnvelope]
- PictureUp=Envelope.gif
- PictureDown=
- PictureFocused=
- Left=236
- Top=382
- [fMain.imgSendingStopped]
- PictureUp=Stop.bmp
- PictureDown=
- PictureFocused=
- Left=262
- Top=379
- [fMain.imgForcedScript]
- PictureUp=Clip.bmp
- PictureDown=
- PictureFocused=
- Left=286
- Top=380
- [fMain.LabelStatus]
- Left=5
- Top=382
- Width=220
- [fMain.LabelScript]
- Left=302
- Top=382
- Width=90
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; fMainNewSMS section
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [fMainNewSMS.imgSendMsg]
- PictureUp=Send_i.gif
- PictureDown=Send_a.gif
- PictureFocused=Send_f.gif
- Left=321
- Top=320
- [fMainNewSMS.imgAdvBtn]
- PictureUp=AdvBtn_i.gif
- PictureDown=AdvBtn_a.gif
- PictureFocused=
- Left=300
- Top=320
- [fMainNewSMS.PanelTo]
- Left=72
- Top=107
- Width=318
- [fMainNewSMS.PanelMsg]
- Left=10
- Top=132
- Width=380
- Height=180
- [fMainNewSMS.LabelCharCount]
- Left=10
- Top=320
- [fMainNewSMS.LabelMsgCount]
- Left=10
- Top=334
- [fMainNewSMS.LabelRemaining]
- Left=10
- Top=348
- [fMainNewSMS.imgTo]
- PictureUp=To_i.gif
- PictureDown=To_a.gif
- PictureFocused=
- Left=10
- Top=107
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; fMainQueue section
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [fMainQueue.LabelMessagesLeft]
- Left=290
- Top=360
- [fMainQueue.PanelQueueGrid]
- Left=10
- Top=107
- Width=380
- Height=262
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; fMainHistory section
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [fMainHistory.PanelHistoryGrid]
- Left=10
- Top=107
- Width=380
- Height=262
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; fMainContacts section
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [fMainContacts.PanelContactsGrid]
- Left=10
- Top=107
- Width=380
- Height=262
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; fMainInbox section
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [fMainInbox.PanelInboxGrid]
- Left=10
- Top=107
- Width=380
- Height=262
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; fMainPanelAdvanced section
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [fMainAdvanced.PanelAdvanced]
- Left=109
- Top=320
- [fMainAdvanced.imgAdvPanel]
- PictureUp=AdvPanel_i.gif